Tuesday, 2 October 2012

The Hare & the Dolphin

Tonight's sketches / experimental ideas are brought to you by the joy and freedom of the animals I chose as subjects...and the power of music to lift your spirit out of the mundane restrictions and worries into a place of creative freedom.
Thank you to the muse who turned up shortly after I did,  or perhaps (more likely) who was waiting there all along for me to put those very human 'worry barriers' down and let Her get on with it! :)

I'll write about Hares another time, but Dolphins have been on my mind, and in my heart, particularly  over the past month, as I have been protesting about the Dolphin hunt in the Cove of Taiji Japan, and also doing nightly visualisations/communications and meditations to protect, heal and warn the Dolphins in that part of the world. For info of this please see: http://www.savejapandolphins.org/  http://www.seashepherd.org/cove-guardians/what-you-can-do.html
 If anyone is interested in joining in with the meditations please watch my following lil video...

So here onto tonight's offerings...

Boxing Hares and Leaping Dolphins

Brought to you with the magical sounds of Skilda 'Lewis (Cosmic Reel)' and also the news that the Cove is BLUE today. xxx

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