‘We come spinning out of nothingness, scattering stars...the stars form a circle and in the centre we dance’ - Rumi, 13th Century
As an avid belly dancer, and a priestess, the spiritual/physical link between dance and the divine is an important one to me. I wrote an article for the Magical Times Magazine last year called 'Belly Dance and The Goddess - Rediscovering Sacred Dance'... here is a link to the article on my website: http://www.lauradaligan-psychic.com/page11.htm
A mesmerising picture! Love the detail that has gone into this.
Amazing detail Laura...
Feel the power,
feel the beat!
Faster rythm,
Rising heat!
The bells ring
Hips swing
Rythms meet,
Dancer shimmies
On her feet!
Love how art & poetry can become one :) xox
Thank you both...
And thanks for the lovely dancing poetry Julie :)
Your welcome Laura; thank you for sharing your fantastic pictures :) x0x
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